Katarzyna Wąsala
Bryan S Turner
Alexander Nagel
Epsita Halder
Stephennie Mulder
François Déroche
Intisar A. Rabb
Marwan Rashed
Christine Nölle-Karimi
Angelo Michele Piemontese
Justine Landau
Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst
Sergei B Daškov
Jens J. Scheiner
Leonard Lewisohn
Hemming Jorgensen
Nazim Zeynalov
Josef van Ess
Nimet Yıldırım
Oliver Kahl
A Distinguished Researcher of Shia Studies for The 28th I.R. Iran`s World Book Award
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A Distinguished Researcher of Islamic Studies for the 24rd World Award for the Book of the Year of the I.R.I
The Winner of the Special Session Interreligious Dialogue: Islam and Christianity
A Distinguished Researcher of Islamic Studies for the 23rd World Award for the Book of the Year of the I.R.I
A Distinguished Researcher of Islamic Studies for the 22rd World Award for the Book of the Year of the I.R.I