
A book review session for "Modern Spoken Persian in Contemporary Iranian Novels; An Analysis of Selected Novels of the 21st Century" was held on Monday (March 26, 2024) at the Ahl Qalam House, with the presence of author Katajina Vansala, Dr. Abbasali Vafaei, Dr. Mostafa Asi, and Dr. Somayeh Mashayek.

A book review session for the book “Modern Spoken Persian in Contemporary Iranian Novels; An Analysis of Selected Novels of the 21st Century” by Katarzyna Wansala was held on Monday (March 26, 1403) at Sarai Ahl Qalam with the presence of Abbasali Vafaei, Mostafa Asi, Somayeh Mashayek, and the author of the book. Katarzyna Wansala is an assistant professor in the Department of Iranology at the Institute of Oriental Studies at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, and a Persian translator.

A review session of the book "Karbala and Identity: Nation, Islam, and Bengali Muslim Literature" was held with the presence of author Apsita Halder, Dr. Mehdi Fadaei Mehrbani, Dr. Mashaallah Shakeri, and Hadi Azimi.

A review session of the book "Karbala and Identity: Nation, Islam, and Bengali Muslim Literature" by Apsita Halder was held on Tuesday, March 27 (1403), in the presence of Mehdi Fadaei Mehrbani, Mashaallah Shakeri, Hadi Azimi, and the author of the book at Sarai Ahl Qalam.