Theologie, Philosophie Und Mystik Im zwölferschiitischen Islam Des 9/15Jahrhunderts: Die Gedankenwelten des Ibn Abī Ǧumhūr al-Aḥsā'ī (um 838/1434/35 - nach 906/1501)
Publisher Brill
Pub Date 2000
Pub Location None
Isbn 9789004115316
This volume is the first extensive study in the life and works of the Imami Shiite theologian Muhammad b.Ibrahim b.Abi Jumhur al- Ahsai (d.after 906/1501)
The book sets out to investigate thoroughly impact of the various traditions of the theological views of Ibn Abi Jumhur . It further in vestigates the place of this theologian within the development of Shiite theological thought.