Tarikh Beyhag va Dhikr al-Ulama val A'emah val Afazel al-Lazin Nabaqu Fiha va Entaqalu Elayha, Ali ibn Zeyad al-Beyhaqi
Publisher Dar al-Eqra
Pub Date 2004
Pub Location None
'The History of Beyhaq' by Abulhassan Ali ibn Zeyd Beyhaqi (d. 1169 C.E).is one of the old local histories of khorasan. In thes book, Beyhaqi gives the bigrabhy of and important information about the household of Beyhaq, particularly the Masters of his time, and devotes part of the book to some of the poets of Beyhaq and their biographies. The importance of the History of Beyhaq lies in the quotation of some of the older texts and its uniqu materials. The History of Beyhaq is among the important sources for the study of the socio-cultural life of the Seljukperiod.