Abdul Karim Zeidan Book(s) Title
Al- Mofassal fi Ahkam Almaraat ul-Beit al-Moslem fi al-Shariat al-Islamieh

Dr. Abdul Karim Zeidan is among the famous professors of Baghdad, who has taught at the cColleges of lLaw, l Literature, and Islamic sStudies at the Uni-versity of Baghdad,. And He cur-rently he teaches and does re-search at the Al-Shariat College of Sanaa University in the Re-public of Yemen. It is worth mentioning that aAfter being chosen as a com-mendable book by the Islamic Republic of Iran, in 1997, "Al-Mofassal fi Ahkam Almaraat ul-Beit al-Moslem if al-Shariat al-Islamieh," was selected as the only outstanding book in the world in the field of Isllamic re-search by the Malek Faisal In-stitute in Riyadh, and its author was awarded the Malek Faisal Prize.