Report On the 26th I.R. Iran World Award for Book of the Year
This year, after the primary selection of more than 2700 books in different fields of Islamic and Iranian Studies, 244 books were assessed, from which 9 books entered the final stage of evaluation.
These evaluated books in the field of Islamic Studies include the following subfields: Acts and Life of the Prophet, Islamic Economics, Theology, Ethics, Translation of Qur’ān, Jurisprudence & Islamic Law, Qur’ānic Sciences, Qur’ānic Studies & Interpretation, Philosophy & Mysticism, Contemporary Islam, History of Islamic Civilization, Shi’ite Studies, Political Sciences in the World of Islam, Women’s Rights, the History of Science, Art & Islamic Architecture. The evaluated books in the field of Iranian Studies include the following subfields: Pre-Islamic Iran, Military Sciences, Ancient Iranian Civilization, Handicrafts, Art & Iranian Architecture, Literary Criticism, Persian Language & Literature, Persian Literature & Poetry, Iranian Sociology, Manuscripts Studies, Contemporary History of Iran, History and Thought of the Islamic Revolution Thinkers, and Islamic Sufism.
The evaluated books have been written in English, French, German, Italian, Arabic, Georgian, Chinese, Greek, Turkish, Bengali, and Finnish languages.
The winners are from Germany, Russia, Lebanon, Italy, Ireland, Turkey, and USA.