The presentation ceremony of the 25th World Award for Book of the Year held
At this ceremony, the secretariat of the Book of the Year World Award, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, and President Rouhani gave speeches and the awards of selected winners were presented.
The presentation ceremony of the 25th World Award for Book of the Year was held in Tehran&rsquos Vahdat Hall on Wednesday Morning, 7th of February 2018. At the beginning of this ceremony, the scientific secretary of Islamic Republic of Iran&rsquos Book of the Year Award, Dr. Mahdavi Rad gave a speech. After reporting on the selection and assessment process of the book entries and the procedures related to holding the ceremony at this round, he emphasized the importance of paying more attention to the authors&rsquo and compilers&rsquo rights and copy right regulations in society. In the following, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Dr. Seyed Abbas Salehi presented a short speech in which he laid stress on the affinity between the Islamic Revolution of Iran and scholarship/authorship, and regarded the authorship of most of effective characters in the Islamic Revolution as an evidence to support this claim. He held the continuity of this affinity as a requisite for the survival and development in Islamic society of Iran. He also hoped that during the 12th government, the freedom and dignity of men of pen and culture would be honored more than before, and the written culture would be increasingly underscored. After the speech of the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the awards of the winners were presented. The speech of Dr. Hasan Rouhani was the concluding part of the ceremony, and he held the Islamic Revolution of Iran as a common ground to conciliate between religious strata and university, mass media, and particularly the lofty realm of art. Laying an emphasis on the miracle of the Last Prophet through a book for people in the world, he added: "God mentions the miracle of Islam as the book named Quran and shows that our miracle is writing, reading, and reflection. That&rsquos why our connection to the previous and future world is possible through human thinking, and thinking can be reserved when it is transformed to word and utterance or written form. "  Dr. Rouhani also highlighted the necessity of evolution in written works so that they would be favored and applied by readers, and also the significance of developing bonding between people and books since childhood and during school years.