
The Noble Quran with a Japanese translation

Tatsuichi Sawada

Ice Houses of Iran: Where, How, Why

Hemming Jorgensen

Die Träume der Schulweisheit: Leben und Werk des ‘Alī Ibn-Muḥammad al-Ǧurǧānī (gest. 816/1413)

Josef Van Ess

Der Eine und das Andere: Beobachtungen an islamischen häresiographischen Texten

Josef Van Ess

Le Coran par lui-même: Vocabulaire et argumentation du discours coranique autoréférentiel

Anne-Sylvie Boisliveau

Striving in the Path of God; jihād and Martyrdom in Islamic Thought

Asma Afsaruddin

Why the West Fears Islam: An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies

Jocelyne Cesari

Divine Love: Islamic Literature and the path to God

William C Chittick

The History of Shi’a in Lebanon

Saadoun Hamade

Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition: Introduction to Reading Avicenna's Philosophical Works

Dimitri Gutas

Method, Structure, and Development in al-Fārābī’s Cosmology

Damien Janos