Me & Rumi: The Autobiography of Shams-i Tabrizi By
 William C. Chittick
Publisher Fons Vitae Pub Date 2004 Pub Location None Isbn 9781887752527 Course(s)


'Me and Rumi, The Autobiography of Shams-I Tabrizi' is the translation and annotation of the treatises of Shams Tabrizi. the passionate Iranian Gnostic. 'The treatises of Shams' is a valuable book which contains his words upon entering Konya and the events which took place between hom and Rumi, surviving the form of scattered writings. The importance of the book for the study of the history of Islamic gnosticism can contribute to the understanding of some ambiguities of the Mathnavi, and the familiarity with sources of Rumil's thoughts.